Chapter 1 圖畫書在外語教學與學習的角色與應用:理論與實踐/陳湄涵
Connecting Theory and Practice: The Role and Use of Picturebooks in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
1.1 導論 Introduction
1.2 理論基礎 Theoretical Tenets
1.3 選用技巧 Selecting Criteria
1.4 教學訣竅 Teaching Tips
1.5 教學實例 Teaching Examples
Chapter 2 外語教學法的理論與實踐/佳音英語輔訓部
Foreign Language Teaching Methodology: Theory and Practice
2.1 文法翻譯法 The Grammar-Translation Method
2.2 直接教學法 The Direct Method
2.3 聽說教學法 The Audio-Lingual Method
2.4 默示教學法 The Silent Way
2.5 反暗示教學法 Desuggestopedia
2.6 群體語言學習法 Community Language Learning
2.7 肢體反應教學法 Total Physical Response
2.8 溝通式教學觀 Communicative Language Teaching
Chapter 3 教學活動概論與實務/佳音英語輔訓部
Teaching English: General Concepts and Techniques
3.1 字彙教學 Vocabulary Teaching
3.2 字母拼讀法與K.K.音標教學 Teaching Phonics and K.K. Phonetics
3.3 文法教學 Grammar Teaching
3.4 對話教學 Teaching Oral Skills
3.5 閱讀教學 Reading Instruction
3.6 歌曲歌謠教學 Teaching Songs and Chants
Chapter 4 教案設計/佳音英語輔訓部
Lesson Planning
4.1 何謂教案 Introduction
4.2 教案編寫原則 Principles in Constructing a Lesson Plan
4.3 教案編寫步驟 Step-by-step Guidance
4.4 教案編寫範例 Examples of Comprehensive Lesson Plans
Chapter 5 外語測驗綜覽/廖彥棻
Essential Concepts and Guidelines for Language Testing
5.1 概觀 Overview
5.2 外語評量的重要基本概念 Testing, Assessment, and Evaluation
5.3 外語測驗的種類與目的 Classifications and Objectives of Major Testing Methods
5.4 檢測外語測驗的重要基本概念 Major Concepts of Language Testing
5.5 外語測驗編製的步驟與注意事項 Guidelines of Test Development
5.6 試題編寫原則與實例 Principles and Examples of Test Construction
5.7 結語 Conclusion