【春節延後出貨公告】 親愛的五南會員:您好,適逢春節假期,五南官網均可正常下單購買, 惟2/5(一)中午12:00之後的網站訂單,物流停止送貨,將延至2/15(四)開工後正常出貨, 造成不便敬請見諒,五南祝您新年快樂!
Overseas Order
1.How to shop in Wunan.com.tw and ship internationally?
Wunan.com.tw provides a simple and safe online shopping experiences.

The following is the ordering process:
Step 1.
Add the titles to the shopping cart and confirm the list.

Step 2- Sign up or Guest Checkout
1. You could use your Google or Facebook account directly to check out. If you’d like to enjoy the Wunan membership-only services, please register a new Wunan account.

2. Guest checkout.

Step 3-Delivery
Choose overseas checkout and select the shipping region.

Step 4-Payment Method
The following online payment methods are available for use:
  • Visa
  • Line Pay
  • MasterCard

  • Step 5-Order Information
    Provide the following information:

    Step 6-ITMATT
    Select the shipping country

    Step 7-
    Provide your English name as shown in passport and shipping address.

    Step 8- Select the invoice form.

    Step 9- Check out after confirmation.

    2. Payment method for overseas order
    Currently, we only accept credit card (Visa &MasterCard) online payment and Line Pay for overseas order.

    3. How much is the shipping rate?
    The postage is calculated as follows:

    4. How to confirm that the order is completed?
    When your order is completed, the "Order Number" will be displayed on the webpage and the order details will be sent to your email address.