Forewords 前言
My motivation to write this book 我寫這本書的動機
Chapter one 第一章
1. Introduction 本書介紹
a. What will this book teach you? 這本書會教你什麼?
b. The relation between abilities required on speech, debate and negotiation 演說、辯論和談判所需能力之間的關係
2. Training on asking questions and exploring possible answers: 提出問題與尋找答案的訓練:
a. Differences between the educational purposes of high schools and colleges 大學教育與高中教育目的的差異
b. To judge a tree from its fruits 由果實來判斷樹的好壞
c. Important notes 重要提醒
d. Questions: 問題
3. Training on giving an opinion 提出意見的訓練
a. The importance of having an opinion 意見的重要性
b. How an opinion is formed and challenged 意見如何形成與被挑戰
c. Cultural consideration on opinion forming 意見形成上的文化考量
Chapter Two 第二章
Training on conversation 對話的訓練
1. Importance of a conversation 對話的重要性
2. How to make keep a conversation moving 如何使使對話進行
3. Elements of conversation 對話的要件
4. Factors affecting a conversation 影響對話的因素
5. Other notes added for conversation training 關於對話訓練的其他要點
Chapter Three 第三章
Speech Training 演說訓練
1. Some basic messages for this chapter 關於本章的基本訊息
Formulating Process on Expression 表達形成的過程
2. Purpose of Speech 演說的目的
What benefit can be procured from speech training? 從演說訓練中可以獲的什麼樣的好處?
What role can does a the purpose do inof a speech play? 演說的目的扮演什麼角色?
3. Facts and interpretation 事實與詮釋
a. Observation in a classroom 課堂觀察
b. Observation in a classroom 課堂觀察
4. Delivering a Message 訊息傳遞
5. To gain control at the beginning 在開始時候的掌控
6. How to conquer the fear when giving a public speech? 如何克服公開演說場合的恐懼?
7. How to intrigue interest through stories and examples 利用故事還有例子來刺激興趣
8. The benefits of giving a story in at the beginning 在一開始講故事的好處
9. Building up creditability through facts 透過事實建立起可信度
a. Observation in a classroom: 課堂觀察
b. A view in from a class corner of the class 課堂一角
10. Training of beginners 對於初學者訓練
11. A note on self-introduction 關於自我介紹的一些看法
12. Narration/ Description of facts 事實的敘述
13. Further elaboration on the interpretation of facts 對於事實解釋部分進一步的闡述
14. The followings are some advice with a few tips based on the past practice from students. 下列事項是依據學生們過去的表現列出以下建議
15. Sample Speech and Writing at the Intermediate Level 演說和中級寫作示範
16. Summary 摘要
17. Impromptu Speech 即席演說
18. Observation in a classroom: 課堂觀察
19. The application of the approaches learned from this chapter: 本章方法的適用
Chapter four 第四章
Debate 辯論
1. Why should we learn debate? 我們為什麼要學習辯論
2. Critical Thinking Resulting from Doubt 批判性思考源自於懷疑
3. Training of debate 辯論的訓練
a. General composition of an argument 辯論的結構
A. Difference between a speech and a debate 演說與辯論的差異
B. Refutation 反駁
C. Evaluating facts with a standard 以標準來檢驗事實
D. Cause and effect in a sentence 在一個句子中的因果關係
E. Cause and effect in a paragraph 段落中的因果關係
F. Issue and a focal point: 爭議點與中心點
G. Examination of an Argument: 對於辯詞的檢驗
H. Finding out the standard that is applied 找出適用的標準
J. Method used in reasoning 論理的方法
K. How to form a framework for a debate 如何建立辯論的架構
L. Importance of A Summary and the introduction of IRAC 摘要的重要性以及IRAC介紹
M. Memorandum for argument 辯論備忘錄
N. Preparation and practice on topics for debate 辯論題目的準備與實踐
O. Common Mistakes Made in Writings 寫作上常犯的錯誤