臺南人 曾赴美國 德州大學奧斯汀校區 與 荷蘭台夫特科技大學 留 學 目前 為 淡江大學建築學系 教授 AIIA (AI In Architecture) 研究 室主持人 並在 臺北市立大學城發系兼任 。 曾主持文建會 「 設計 思考論壇 」 並出版 《 台灣東西向 》 、 《 城市散步 》 、 《 城意市象 》 、 《 雙城故事 》 、 《 創客城市 》 系列叢書;另有 《 社區 ─ 攜手 造家園 》 獲得新聞局第二十八屆金鼎獎 近作有 《 建築設計這樣 做 》 、 《 做工的場所 》 與 《 改變城市的設計思考 》 。 鄭晃二 AIIA Lab He is from Tainan, Taiwan, and has studied at the University of Texas at Austin in the United States and at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. He is currently a professor in the Department of Architecture at Tamkang University, the director of the AIIA Research Lab, and also holds a concurrent position at Taipei University. He has previously chaired the "Design Thinking Forum" organized by the Council for Cultural Affair and has published a series of books. His book Community Building Homes Together won the 28th Golden Tripod Award from the Government Information Office. His recent publications includes Site Workers and Design Thinking in City Making.
Part 1.MJ重要指令 Main Commands of MJ /settings /imagine upload a file /describe /shorten /blend --cref&--sref
Part 2.生成建築影像 Generating Architecture Images 生成建築造形的方法 methods for generating architectural forms 使用圖源生成影像 generating images usingthe same resource
Part 3.敘事性建築計劃 Narrative Architecture-Programming (NAP) NAP的工作理論 the working theory of NAP 與AI對話建構NAP buildingNAP through chatting with AI
附錄生成建築影像常用語 Common Terms for Architecture in Generative AI