書影 序例 導論 一、 意拾喻言 1.豺烹羊 The Wolf and the Lamb 2.雞公珍珠 The Cock and the Precious-stone 3.獅熊爭食 The Lion and the Bear contending for the spoil 4.鵝生金蛋 The Goose that laid the Golden Eggs 5.犬影 The Dog and the Shadow 6.獅驢同獵 The Lion and the Ass hunting together 7.豺求白鶴 The Wolf and the Stork 8.二鼠 The Country-mouse and the Town-mouse 9.農夫救蛇 The Countryman and the Snake 10.獅驢爭氣 The Contention of the Ass and the Lion 11.獅蚊比藝 The Lion and the Gnat 12.狼受犬騙 The Little Dog and the Wolf 13.驢穿獅皮 The Ass and the Lion’s Skin 14.鴉插假毛 The Daw and the Borrowed Feather 15.鷹龜 The Eagle and the Tortoise 16.龜兔 The Hare and the Tortoise 17.雞鬦 The Two Cocks 18.黑白狗母 The Two Bitches 19.狐指罵蒲提 The Fox and the Grapes 20.孩子打蛤 The Boys and the Frogs 21.蛤母水牛 The Frog and the Ox 22.鷹貓豬同居 The Eagle, Cat, and Sow 23.馬思報鹿仇 The Horse, the Stag, and the Man 24.蜂針人熊 The Bear and the Bees 25.獵戶逐兔 The Gardener, the Huntsman, and Hare 26.四肢反叛 The Belly and Members 27.鴉狐 The Fox and the Raven 28.裁縫戲法 The Tailor and Mountebank 29.洗染布各業 The Dyer and Fuller 30.瓦鐵缸同行 The Iron Pot and the Earthen Pot 31.狐與山羊 The Fox and the Goat 32.牛狗同群 The Dog in the Manger 33.眇鹿失計 The One-eyed Stag 34.愚夫求財 The Man and his Image 35.老人悔死 The Old-man and Death 36.齊人妻妾 The Simpleton and his Two Wives 37.雁鶴同網 The Fowler, Wild Geese, and Stork 38.鴉效鷹能 The Eagle and the Daw 39.束木譬喻 The Old-man, his sons and the Bundle of Rods 40.大山懷孕 The Mountain in Labour 41.獵主責犬 The Huntsman and Hound 42.戰馬欺驢 The Ass and the War-Horse 43.鹿照水 The Stag and his Horns 44.雞抱蛇蛋 The Hen, the Snake’s eggs, and the Swallow 45.鼓手辯理 The Trumpeter (sinice Drummer) taken Prisoner 46.驢犬妬寵 The Ass and Lap-dog 47.報恩鼠 The Lion and the Mouse 48.蛤求北帝 The Frogs beg Jupiter for a King 49.毒蛇咬銼 The Viper and the File 50.羊與狼盟 The Treaty of the Wolves and Sheep 51.斧頭求柄 The Axe in want of a Handle 52.鹿求牛救 The Stag, the Oxen and their Master 53.鹿入獅穴 The Lion and the Stag 54.日風相賭 The Contention of the Sun and the Wind 55.農夫遺訓 The Old man at the point of Death and his Sons 56.狐鶴相交 The Fox and the Stork 57.車夫求佛 The Waggoner and the Hercules 58.義犬吠盜 The Honest Dog and the Thieves 59.鳥誤靠魚 The Treaty of the Birds and Fishes 60.驢馬同途 The Horse and the Ass 61.驢不自量 The Ass and the Image 62.馴犬野狼 The House-Dog and the Wolf 63.狼計不行 The Sow and the She-Wolf 64.狼斷羊案 The Wolf, the Dog, the Eagle, the Kite, and the Sheep 65.愚夫癡愛 The Foolish Swain and his Cat 66.雞鴣同飼 The Cocks and the Partridge 67.縱子自害 The Unnatural Son 68.指頭露奸 The Fox and the Farmer 69.鴉欺羊善 The Raven and the Sheep 70.業主貪心 The Avaricious Landlord disappointed 71.杉葦剛柔 The Oak and the Willow 72.荒唐受駁 The Boasting Traveller reproved 73.意拾勸世 Esop decries the use of Torture 74.野豬自護 The Wild-Boar and the Wolf 75.猴君狐臣 The Beasts elect a King 76.牧童說謊 The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf 77.人獅論理 The Lion and the Man 78.鼠防貓害 The Rats wish to Bell the Cat 79.星者自誤 The Fortune-teller duped 80.鰍鱸皆亡 The Thunny and the Dolphin 81.老蟹訓子 The Old Crab and the Young Crab 82.真神見像 Mercury and the Sculptor 二、海國妙喻 1.蠅語 2.踏繩 3.守分 4.鼠防貓 5.犬慧 6.救蛇 7.狐鶴酬答 8.賊案 9.二鼠 10.學飛 11.喜媚 12.忘恩 13.求死 14.金蛋 15.肉影 16.柔勝剛 17.蟲言 18.鹿求牛救 19.喪驢 20.覓食 21.二賢 22.納諫 23.人獅論理 24.斧頭求柄 25.多慮 26.說謊 27.木條一束 28.羅網 29.鹿入獅穴 30.捕影 31.犬勸 32.二友拾遺 33.人意難全 34.爭勝 35.美女 36.驅狼 37.磨牙 38.緩以救急 39.獻讒 40.車夫 41.鷹避風雨 42.假威 43.腐儒 44.歸去來 45.獅驢爭氣 46.二蛙 47.飛鳥靠魚 48.星者自誤 49.解紛 50.鏽鐮 51.葡萄味苦 52.炎涼情態 53.蝙蝠 54.拋錨 55.獅蚊比藝 56.自負 57.蟋蟀歎 58.農人 59.驢馬同途 60.吹角 61.白鴒 62.荒唐 63.爭食 64.密囑慎交 65.窺鏡 66.眶骨 67.滴雨落海 68.金索日短 69.粉蝶 70.鐵貓 三、 希臘名士伊索寓言 1.鼠報獅恩 2.羔羊遇狼 3.驢飲露 4.鷺出狼骾 5.束竹喻子 6.蝙蝠遇狼 7.雞啄寶石 8.燕烏爭美 9.獅王馳檄 10.畜惰狗 11.蟻曝粟 12.炭翁與漚者 13.童子捕蝗 14.龜兔賽跑 15.漁者吹簫 16.叼肉之犬 17.犢車陷轍 18.如盲其鼻 19.牧者祝神 20.鹿畏狗 21.驢狐相衛 22.蠅膠於蜜 23.爭詡多子 24.田者憐蛇 25.縛獅石人 26.兩樹競美 27.鶴鸛之辨 28.群呼山巔 29人熊自表 30.龜升九天 31.狐陷於井 32.狼蒙羊皮 33.黑烏濯羽 34.鴿求水 35.獅落爪牙 36.驢曳笨車 37.綴石擊鸛 38.老獅裝病 39.斷尾掩醜 40.二人遇熊 41.自誇受駁 42.狗據草 43.碎角沒羊 44.瘞金牆下 45.主人執豚 46.羣蛙求君 47.兒童取栗 48.防蛇 49.鼠窘病獅 50.櫪人竊芻 51.驢騾同途 52.驢嫉妒狗 53.牸謀滅屠 54.牧童謊呼 55.驢馱鹽 56.惡狗繫鈴 57.牧者芻羊 58.二婦拔髮 59.病鹿臥草 60.童子觸毳 61.占星入塹 62.狼勸羊遣狗 63.貓醫病鳥 64.烏鴉飾羽 65.羔乘屋罵狼 66.盲嫗 67.母蛙吹氣 68.群子掘圃 69.黃犢青牛 70.勝雞鼓翼 71.戰馬怨憫 72.騎士秣馬 73.四肢反叛 74.二奴殺雞 75.羊噬葡萄 76.狐陷猿王 77.猿求重錫 78.鴿請鷹衛 79.龍與鯨鬬 80.燕依人巢 81.瓦盌與銅盌 82.狼盜羊 83.母蟹教子 84.望雨與祈晴 85.童子竊書 86.老人負薪 87.老松與荊棘 88.濯刷黑奴 89.蛙鼠繫足 90.狼乞水 91.夙釀餘馨 92.傷於瘈狗 93.漁獵交易 94.鴉狐 95.取毳損肉 96.驢登屋舞 97.鹿匿牛栖 98.守狗與獵狗 99.驢與獅盟 100.獅與龍盟 101.鷹蹲高巖 102.病鳶祈神 103.獅與彘鬬 104.羣鼠聚議 105.鹿眇一目 106.鼠將草冠 107.牧者易業 108.驢逐獅 109.河伯詈海 110.野彘礪牙 111.村姑算計 112.蜜蜂求針 113.狼遇狗 114.驢馱木偶 115.集議衛城 116.殺羊及牛 117.獵狗老憊 118.拾斧於道 119.病獅被辱 120.狼歎 121.漂木 122.爭影亡驢 123.驢請易主 124.星精問價 125.言指相戾 126.大橡與小草 127.閉關捕獅 128.獅奪羔 129.殺鵲饗客 130.蟻報鴿恩 131.野兔病怯 132.猴投網 133.鵠度曲 134.鹿避獅穴 135.小魚求放 136.獵者問迹 137.飽狐 138.二蟆議徙 139.膏燈自滿 140.駝性 141.父子騎驢 142.貓誘羣鼠 143.牛嚙於鼠 144.狗舞筵側 145.猴舞 146.雞乞命 147.焚狐毀田 148.偃臥井側 149.海鷗吞魚 150.獅熊爭羔 151.舟覆於江 152.籠鷹報恩 153.狐豹爭美 154.逐鹿失兔 155.貧匠毀象 156.獅驢狐同盟 157.牛入羊穴 158.貴人禿髪 159.橡神牋奏 160.猿生二雛 161.獵狗追兔 162.圈羊容狼 163.削杙伐橡 164.蜂蛇偕亡 165.孔雀傲鸛 166.殺雞取卵 167.驢墜深池 168.鴉噪樹上 169.橡神授柄 170.狗降狼羣 171.牛殺獅兒 172.當路之獅 173.見駝而懼 174.蟹遷沃田 175.縱驢食草 176.為狐驅蠅 177.雌肥卵絕 178.鷂效馬嘶 179.獵犬得兔 180.兔求狐助 181.犢為牛導 182.請糧於羊 183.貓鷹彘同居 184.恥見偽獅 185.騾父 186.池湫二蟆 187.神巫大窘 188.鷹破器報恩 189.啣石救渴 190.化狼盜衣 191.鹿嚼樹葉 192.蟲與獅鬬 193.酸葡萄 194.胡桃累實 195.狼吹觱篥 196.猴與豬龍 197.馬圖復仇 198.鸜鵒塗堊 199.狐猴同行 200.覘風知草 201.攜肉餌狗 202.誠偽二客 203.狐與獅處 204.老鼠歷劫 205.童子垂溺 206.孔雀愬神 207.以狼代牧 208.兔缺牙爪 209.斲人鬻象 210.鸚求鷹釋 211.主人刈麥 212.狐欲取雞 213.狼取驢刺 214.殺羊治驢 215.獅將捕牛 216.狐踐面具 217.鴟與螽斯 218.膠雀蹴虺 219.驢馬相調 220.蠅趣騾行 221.為羊籌牧 222.獅搏三牛 223.預樂踵憂 224.村鼠城鼠 225.狼狐競辯 226.蜂鳥求飲 227.子妍女娸 228.狗嚙獅皮 229.盲人揣畜 230.履匠業醫 231.狼躪人田 232.二仇共載 233.二雞相鬬 234.蟆蓄善藥 235.狼譖狐 236.犬軀屈伸 237.風日爭權 238.鴉忘故恩 239.狐鷺相饗 240.狼自顧影 241.蝙蝠夜飛 242.見燕去袍 243.吹角之兵 244.角鴟見譏 245.美惡殊途 246.驢蒙獅皮 247.雀詆兔 248.蚤與牛 249.懶驢相摩 250.鴿誇多子 251.呵暖呵冷 252.三神爭能 253.鴉效鷹能 254.鷹與狐友 255.人生二囊 256.狗據人地 257.鹿角梗樹 258.百舌葬父 259.蟲栖牛角 260.駝效猴舞 261.羣狗澎亨 262.鴉待果熟 263.樵夫墜斧 264.圃者伐樹 265.兩兵遇賊 266.牧者驅羊 267.蚤嘬人足 268.狐與獅約 269.飢狼偵食 270.雞伏蛇卵 271.松與玫瑰 272.槐陰行人 273.驢乞食於馬 274.鴉坐羊背 275.狐怒棘刺 276.驢賀馬 277.獅與象語 278.犬吞糲房 279.二騾重載 280.羊趨入廟 281.引鶉入羅 282.撲蚤 283.漸與臭習 284.獅與牧人 285.乞食於鑢 286.駝思得角 287.豹入陷中 288.鷹鸇同坐 289.鷹酬飼者 290.棘笞壁獅 291.牝貓化人 292.鷹與螻蟈 293.牝羊求髭 294.擊蠅傷首 295.碎舟詈海 296.真假豚嘷 297.獵者授兔 298.青果樹與無花果樹 299.日威涸澤 300.銅匠飼狗 四、伊索寓言傳華大事記