


葉光輝 主編

1 來自另一個方向的迴響 尤煌傑 / 7 互為主體性的人文主義與教育改革 翁開誠 / 9 人性的覺醒與人對自己行動的覺識力 夏林清 / 10 大無畏者真佛子 王慶中 / 12 「神本中心的人文主義」的進一步說明 潘小慧 / 15 教師行動研究的真實意義 賴麗珍

19 家庭心理學︰系統思維觀點的探討與應用 葉光輝 主編 / 21 家庭心理學的系統觀點與研究 利翠珊 / 41 家庭中的循環性衝突 葉光輝 / 83 家庭系統的測量與應用 黃宗堅 / 111 從系統觀點看婚姻適應的研究 張思嘉 / 125 家庭系統研究中之性別議題 趙淑珠

143 母親信念、教養目標與教養行為(一)︰ 內涵意義之探討 林惠雅 / 181 教學觀點量表之發展與試題反應分析 王文中、陳雪珠

211 朱光潛多重自我的對話與轉化︰ 一種敘說建構取向 邱惟真、丁興祥

250 編輯室報告 / 110 新專題構想 / 124 進行中之專題 / 140 刊期與內容 / 208 審稿理念與標準 / 251 讀者參與意願表 / 252 訂閱單

Dialogues & Responses
1 Responses to the special issue of education reform: A different approach Huang-Chieh Yu / 7 The humanism of intersubjectivity and education reform Kai-Cheng Wong / 9 Human awakening and action awareness Ling-Ching Hsia / 10 There is no fear in wisdom Ching-Chung Wang / 12 Further discussion of theocentric humanism Hsiao-Huei Pan / 15 The significance of teachers' action research Li-Chen Lai

Special Issue
19 Family psychology: Integrative process systems perspective Editor: Kuang-Hui Yeh / 21 The systems perspective in family psychology Tsui-Shan Li Liu / 41 Recurring conflicts in family Kuang-Hui Yeh / 83 Measurement and application of family system Tsung-Chain Huang / 111 A systems framework for marital adjustment study Szu-Chia Chang / 125 Gender issues in family relationships: A systems perspective Shu-chu Chao

Empirical Research
143 Mothers' beliefs, goals and child-rearing behaviors(I)︰An analysis of the themes Huey-Ya Lin / 181 Development and item response analysis of the Teaching Perspectives Inventory Wen-Chung Wang & Hsueh-Chu Chen

Narrative Research
211 The dialogue and transformation of multi-selves about Chu Kuang-Ch'ien:A narrative-constructive approach Wei-Jen Chiou & Shing-Shiang Ting

Messages & Information
250 Editorial notes / 110 New special issues / 124 Special issues in progress / 140 Call for papers / 208 Review policy & criteria / 251 Participation form / 252 Order form

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建議最佳瀏覽解析度:IE4.0以上版本800x600 更新時間:2001/09/21