家 庭 心 理 學 : 系 統 思 維 觀 點 的 探 討 與 應 用

家庭心理學:系統思維觀點的探討與應用 / 葉光輝主編

家庭心理學的系統觀點與研究 / 利翠珊

家庭中的循環性衝突 / 葉光輝

家庭系統的測量與應用 / 黃宗堅

從系統觀點看婚姻適應的研究 / 張思嘉

家庭系統研究中之性別議題 / 趙淑珠


葉光輝 主編



在現今發展出來眾多的系統思維觀點中,何種系統思維觀點才能夠確實達成家庭心理學上述的宗旨?而採用系統思維觀點對以往心理學的家庭課題研究又能夠提供什麼幫助?對於這兩個問題,中央研院民族學研究所於去年四月十八日,召開了「家庭心理學:系統思維觀點的探討與應用」小型研討會作為拋磚引玉,希望集合學界同好透過集思廣益,共同為它們找尋答案。此期「家庭心理學」專題中刊登的文章正是該次研討會中發表的論文(其中趙淑珠的論文是會後補上的),在聽取與會學者及匿名審查者意見,經過多次修改後的初步成果。基本上這些文章可以被看成是認同以「整合歷程的多元系統思維觀點」(integrative process systems perspective,以下簡稱為整合歷程的系統觀點)作為家庭心理學的研究典範,並希望透過運用這一研究觀點,作為反省國內心理學以往所進行「家庭」課題研究的立論基礎。



當然,除了這五個面向外,還有許多的課題也值得深入探討。編撰此期家庭心理學專題的用意,不僅是為了喚起更多人對此一新興領域的關注,更期待能號召更多人願意加入經由「為實務而做研究,為研究而做實務」(Research into Practice/ Practice into Research)途徑來達成改善家庭生活品質目標的行列。最後,竭誠歡迎有興趣者加入每月第三個週六早上在中研院民族所2420室定期召開的「家庭心理學」研究小組聚會討論,或與本人聯繫。

The Systems Perspective in Family Psychology
利翠珊 輔仁大學生活應用科學系
Tsui-Shan Li Liu Department of Applied Life Science
Fu-Jen Catholic University

本文的主要目的是說明家庭心理學所採用的「整合歷程系統觀點」內涵為何,並討論其對研究歷程的影響。作者首先比較了一般系統理論、家庭系統理論及整合歷程系統觀點三者之間的差異,指出整合歷程系統觀點所關注的焦點超越了「家庭系統」本身,它把家庭知識視為整體,重視家庭互動的過程而非結果,並且致力於不同學科之間的整合,可視為研究家庭的一種科學範型。 作者接著從研究問題的形成、研究方法的選用,及研究資料的詮釋等三方面,討論家庭心理學系統觀點對研究歷程的影響。在研究問題的形成上,系統觀點提醒研究者在進行家庭問題的研究時,必須注意到家庭關係的不同向度,將「時間」因素納入考慮,並且以「問題」為中心進行跨學科的整合。在研究方法的選用上,系統觀點主張兼採質化與量化研究的方式,以個人乃至全家人為資料收集的單位,重視長期性資料的收集,力求掌握整體也掌握部分。至於研究資料的詮釋,系統觀點主張研究者可透過家庭成員不同資料的相互比對,形成多重觀點的解釋;亦可透過家庭成員的聚合觀點,對家庭關係提出解釋。兩者皆對家庭心理學的研究有所貢獻。


通訊處:(242)新莊市中正路510號 輔仁大學生活應用科學系
電話(02)29031111轉3602 傳真(02)29021173

The purpose of this article is to introduce the 〝integrative process systems perspective〞and its implications on family psychology research. In the first part, the integrative process systems perspective is compared with general systems theory and family systems theory. It is pointed out that systems perspective emphasizes the importance of integrating different disciplines, which makes it more like a〝scientific paradigm 〞rather than a〝theory〞 in family psychology. In the second part, the implications of systems perspective on family psychology are discussed in three ways: First, it is suggested that systems perspective helps forming meaningful research questions by taking 〝time〞and 〝context〞into account. The problem-centered approach also enables a researcher to adopt ideas from other disciplines and thus ask a better question. Second, the systems perspective acknowledges the contributions of both qualitative and quantitative research methods, puts effort on collecting both personal and family data, and allows both cross-sectional and longitudinal designs. These flexibilities on the research method provide the systems perspective a chance to see the whole picture of family relations. Third and finally, the systems perspective is helpful in terms of data interpretations. By using systems perspective, a researcher could develop divergent perspectives by comparing data from different family members, or could find a convergent perspective among family members. Both could be meaningful for family psychology.

Keywords: family psychology, research method, integrative process systems perspective

Recurring conflicts in family
葉光輝 中央研究院民族學研究所
Kuang-Hui Yeh
Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica



電話(02)26523409 傳真(02)27855836

The phenomena of "recurring conflict" in family are discussed from systems perspective, a new scientific paradigm in family psychology. Each family has some overt or covert rules and ideologies that dominate the family on how to think, interact, and resolve problems. These rules and ideologies also form a dominating power that may regulate the family's thinking and how to resolve family conflicts. If these rules and ideologies are rigid or inappropriate, then the conflicts may be terminated temporarily, but in the long run, these same conflicting events or conflict patterns will happen again and again. This phenomenon of repeated happening of same conflicting event or conflict pattern is called "recurring conflict". The present research suggests that the systems perspective approach is the best way to detect the recurring conflicts in family. Finally, two family case studies are also presented to justify the argumentation.

Keywords: systems perspective, recurring conflict, dominating power, collusive structure

Measurement and Application of Family System
黃宗堅 淡江大學教育學程組
Tsung-Chain Huang
Division of Teacher Education University of Tamkang



美國德州大學奧斯汀分校哲學博士(教育心理學) 淡江大學教育學程組副教授

Recent studies have called for an increase attention to the family system as a crucial context for understanding the individual development. Although many research scales based on the family system perspective have been developed, considerable empirical difficulties have been identified. In order to clarify such theoretical and methodological issues, this paper first reviews the fundamental definitions of family system theory from a family therapy and family psychology perspective. In addition, five family system scales as well as their relative empirical studies are also discussed. While much work has been undertaken to examine the relationship between family interactions and adolescent problem behaviors, the author argues that vary few of the studies have been addressed to the systemic perspective of wholeness, multi-level, and multi-directional views. Pervious research has been mostly conducted through independent, unintegrated lines of studies. It is not clear how dynamic processes play an important role in the family system. Based upon the research deficiencies stated above, the author further suggests that a more integrated and sophisticated method is needed to synthesize the existing literature into a more processed-oriented model that explains how family members within the family subsystem (e.g., marriage, parent-child, and sibling) interact with each other..

Keywords: family system, family measurement, family function, adolescent

A Systems Framework for Marital Adjustment Study
張思嘉 世新大學社會心理系
Szu-Chia Chang
Department of Social Psychology Shih-Shin University



通訊處:(116)北市木柵路一段17巷1號 世新大學社會心理系
電話(02)22368225轉433 傳真(02)22367746

The emergence of systems theory engenders new philosophical and methodological perspectives for natural and social scientists in the 20th century. The systems perspective provides a new conceptual framework for the study of family, which results in the development and progress of family psychology and family therapy. In this paper, the author starts with the introduction of the major principles of general systems theory and the three components (the system components, the integrative component, and the process component) that are provided by W. M. Pinsof as the conceptual and methodological guidelines for family psychology. This is followed by a review of the marital adjustment studies that were conducted in Taiwan during the past thirty years. The review focuses on "systems perspective" as the paradigm underlying family research and investigates the implications of this framework for conceptualization and research in the marital adjustment area.

Keywords: systems perspective, general system theory, family psychology, integrative process systems perspectives, marital adjustment study

Gender Issues in Family Relationships: A Systems Perspective
趙淑珠 彰化師範大學輔導系
Shuchu Chao
National Changhua University of Education



通訊處:(500)彰化市進德路1號 彰化師範大學輔導系
電話(04)7232105轉2115 傳真(04)7211193

The purpose of this paper is to review publications in Taiwan regarding family relationship. Pinsof's (1992) systems perspective was adopted to analyze gender issues in the study of family interaction. According to Pinsof, family psychology has three components that differentiated family psychology from traditional psychology, they are: interactive constructivism, integrative and process components. The author points out that only single person's opinions and collected self-report data are included in most studies. It is suggested that multi-family members and even outsider's perspective should be included for future studies to capture the integrative process of family system. In addition, longitudinal studies are also needed and encouraged.

Keywords: family relationships, gender, systems perspective, constructivism, integrative process

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