


吳靜吉、丁興祥、邱皓政 主編

1價值觀研究的本土反思 黃光國 5價值觀與道德發展 連雅慧
10從價值取向探討個體發展過程 寇彧 11價值研究需面對的問題 王叢桂

15創造力的發展與實踐 吳靜吉、丁興祥、邱皓政 主編
17華人學生創造力的發掘與培育 吳靜吉
43開發與培育學生創造力的理論與實踐 張武升
53創新教育何為先 施建農 59學校創新再見!? 鄭英耀
60知者創物,巧者述之 顏鴻森
62何時才見虎躍龍騰、生龍活虎? 劉誠 63青少年的創造力發展 林幸台
67科學發展史的教學與學生的創意 陳佩正
78華人學生創造力缺乏之問題與解決之道 張秋政
87培育獨斷的創造者以喚起臥虎睡龍 黃奕光
92華人創造力的研究和教育從分享開始 吳靜吉
105科學發現與知識成長:我們能從科學哲學當中學到什麼? 詹志禹
129法則發現的背後:合作與解釋對科學推理技能獲得的影響 洪瑞雲 吳庭瑜
163影響科學競賽績優教師創意行為之因素 鄭英耀、王文中
191學校組織創新氣氛的內涵與教師創造力的實踐:另一件國王的新 衣? 邱皓政
225創意發展組織因素量表之編製:以科技產業為例 葉玉珠、吳靜吉

14 進行中之專題 128新專題構想 162近期專題預告 190歡迎來稿 248投稿須知 249 審稿理念與標準 251五南圖書廣告 252訂閱單

Dialogues & Responses
The Formation and Change of Chinese Values
1 Indigenous reflections upon research on values Kwang-Kuo Hwang 5 Values and moral development Ya-Hui Lien
Author's & editor's responses
10 The exploration of individual developmental processes from a value perspective Yu Kou 11 Challenges of the research on values Chung-Kwei Wang
Special Issue
15 The Development and Practice of Creativity Editor: Jing-Jyi Wu, Shing-Shiang Ting & Haw-Jeng Chiou
Discourse & Dialogues
17 Enticing the crouching tiger and awakening the hidden dragon: Recognizing and nurturing creativity in Chinese students Jing-Jyi Wu
43 Developing and cultivating creativity in Chinese students Wu-Sheng Chang
53 What is the most importance in creativity education? Jian-Nong Shi
59 School innovation, reappear or disappear ? Ying-Yao Cheng
60 The intellect creates and the eloquent illustrates Hong-Sen Yan
62 When can we see leaping tigers and flying dragons? Sing Lau
63 The development of adolescents' creativity Hsin-Tai Lin
67 The teaching of scientific evolution and students' creativity Pei-Jen Chen
8 The problems and resolutions of the lack of creativity of Chinese students Chiu-Cheng Chang
87 Enticing the crouching tiger and awakening the hidden dragon by nurturing the dogmatic creator: A commentary on Prof Wu's keynote address Ng Aik Kwang
92 The research and education on Chinese creativity starts with sharing Jing-Jyi Wu

Research Articles
105 Scientific discovery and knowledge growth: What can we learn from philosophy of science? Chih-Yu Chan
129 Behind the rule discovery: The role of collaboration and explanation on scientific reasoning Ruey-Yun Horng & Ting-Yu Wu
163 Factors that influence creativity behavior for awarded-winning teachers in scientific competitions Ying-Yao Cheng & Wen-Chung Wang
191 The construct of the campus organizational climate for creativity and the teachers' creativity performance: Another "New cloth of the king"? Haw-Jeng Chiou
225 The development of "The Inventory of organizational factors to creativity development": An example in technology companies Jing-Jyi Wu & Yu-Chu Yeh

Messages & Information
14/162 Special issues in progress
128 New special issues 190/248 Call for papers 249 Review policy & criteria
251 Advertisement
252 Order form

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