


科學發現與知識成長: 我們能從科學哲學當中學到什麼?(1)

法則發現的背後: 合作與解釋對科學推理技能獲得的影響(1)



創意發展組織因素量表之編製: 以科技產業為例(1)


吳靜吉.丁興祥.邱皓政 主編 主編

  「人類基因的成份有98 %與猩猩相同…若非創造力,人之異於猿猴者幾希?」,這是芝加哥大學心理學教授Mihaly Csiksentmihalyi在其論著《創造力》(Creativity)一書的引言,一語道盡了創造力這個課題的重要性。






  整個專輯進行之際,恰逢教育部頒訂《創造力教育白皮書》,象徵我國將朝創造力國度(Republic of Creativity)邁進,益發說明創造力的研究確實有它的時代意義,不僅攸關了科學的發展、人類文明的進步與生活品質的提升,更將影響我們下一代的教育與發展。從開始徵求論文以來,我們體會到了華人學者對於學生創造力的關懷與用心,在蒐集整理研究者的心得與成果之餘,我們也體會了這股力量足以形成一個創造力的研究社群,我們高度的期盼它的誕生。這次的專題編纂,做為主編的我們以及工作伙伴,得到了最豐富的收穫,希望讀者們也是滿載而歸。

(撰稿人:王叢桂,東吳大學心理系教授及本刊執行編輯) 回上一頁

Enticing the Crouching Tiger and Awakening the Hidden Dragon: Recognizing and Nurturing Creativity in Chinese Students
吳靜吉 / 學術交流基金會
Jing-Jyi Wu / Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Foundation)




  In Chinese societies throughout Asia, both governments and the private sectors are stressing the importance of recognizing and nurturing creativity in students. This implies that creativity in Chinese students is still undiscovered and under-developed. Why?
  The author argues that education policy and practice in almost every Chinese society neglect and/or discourage students' curious exploration and independent thinking, intrinsic motivation, and other nine factors that are conducive to creativity. Drawing on research in Taiwan, the author suggests five ways to identify creativity in Chinese students and recommends that in order to nurture creativity, educators and researchers must:(1)create a goal structure that values creativity, (2) construct activities in a creative lifestyle,(3)employ multiple intelligence theory as a framework to cultivate creativity,(4)adopt the confluence approach and maintain interdisciplinary perspective to study creativity,(5)gradually shape a creative culture that allows informal and implicit learning of creative behavior,(6)select appropriate gatekeepers when necessary,(7)tolerate and respect diversity and individual differences,(8)create opportunities for experiential learning and flow experiences,(9)infuse creativity into the curriculum and make use of project-based learning,(10)teach both creativity-relevant skills and domain-relevant skills,(11)emphasize both multiple and authentic assessment of individuals, teams, and (12)always remember that mentoring is more effective than controlling.

Keywords: creativity, Chinese students, creativity education

科學發現與知識成長: 我們能從科學哲學當中學到什麼? (1)
Scientific Discovery and Knowledge Growth: What Can We Learn from Philosophy of Science?
詹志禹 / 政治大學教育系
Chih-Yu Chan / Department of Education National Chengchi University




 The aim of the current paper was to analyze the process of knowledge growth and scientific discovery by historically reviewing the philosophy of science. After re-assessing inductivism, logical positivism, falsificationism, Kuhn's contribution, Feyerabend's position, Toulmin's model, and Shapere's theory, the following conclusions were derived. First, the so-called "inductive reasoning" is essentially a "hypothesis-testing" process. Second, it should not be expected that important scientific discovery could be achieved simply by mechanistic, mysterious, or accidental process. Third, scientific discovery presupposes scientific creativity. Forth, although there is no logic of scientific discovery, there usually are good reasons for it. In other words, the process of scientific discovery is rational. Fifth, paradigms can facilitate as well as constrain creativity. In order to create new paradigms, learners should be able to understand paradigms, find out counter examples, detect errors, tolerate crisis, and challenge existing paradigms. Sixth, the fundamental process of knowledge growth is basically a dynamic, iterating, bootstrapping, and self-organizing process of creative and critical thinking, i.e., of variation and selection. Some implications of the above conclusions for learning, instruction, and research were also discussed.

Keywords:scientific discovery, knowledge growth, philosophy of science, creative thinking, critical thinking, inductivism, logical positivism, falsificationism, paradigms, evolutionary theory, self-organizing.

法則發現的背後: 合作與解釋對科學推理技能獲得的影響(1)
Behind the Rule Discovery: The Role of Collaboration and Explanation on Scientific Reasoning
洪瑞雲 / 交通大學工業工程與管理學系
吳庭瑜 / 明新技術學院工業工程與管理學系
Ruey-Yun Horng /Department of Industrial Engineering and Management National Chiao Tung University
Ting-Yu Wu /Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Ming-Hsin Institute of Technology



 Collaboration can improve the rule discovery performance. Self-explanation or asking the collaborator for explanations can also increase the number of rules discovered (Wu, Wu, & Horng, 1998). The purpose of the present study was to investigate how collaboration and explanation work to affect one's reasoning during rule discovery. The data were written protocals produced by 114 college students during hypothesis generation and hypothesis testing in Wu, Wu, & Horng's study. Results showed that working in dyad may increase the likelihood of using a strategy closer to the ideal hypothesis testing strategy proposed by Bruner, Goodnaw and Austin (1956). However, there was no sign of transfer in the subsequent testing session when participants were working alone. Nevertheless, the collaborative experience still had an effect on the number of rules correctly discovered. The effect of collaboration is very likely due to knowledge sharing between the collaborators. The instruction to engage in explanatory activity may increase the number of rules correctly discovered as well. Moreover, with practice, explanation appears to enable one to extract more features from the observed instances and come up with various approaches to modify a hypothesis when confronted with negative testing results. Thus, explanation appears to implicitly shape one's hypothesis-testing strategy.

scientific reasoning, rule discovery, confirmation bias, collaboration, explanation.
Factors that Influence Creativity Behavior for Awarded-Winning Teachers in Scientific Competitions
鄭英耀 / 中山大學教育研究所
王文中 / 中正大學心理學系
Ying-Yao Cheng / Institute of Education National Sun Yat-Sen University
Wen-Chung Wang / Department of Psychology National Chung Cheng University

  「不創新,就落後」(Leonard & Straus, 1997)。創造力是推動科技、文化進步、提昇個人智慧的原動力。本研究的目的在藉由訪談、問卷歸納出影響科學競賽績優教師創意發展的個人特質、家庭、學校(組織)因素。



 "Innovate or fall behind" (Leonard & Straus, 1997). The purpose of this study is to explore personal, family, and school factors that influence creativity development. Thirty-six primary and secondary school teachers who guided students to win scientific competitions more than three times in five years were interviewed. These award-winning teachers as along with other 224 non-award-winning teachers were administered with an inventory of 51 items pertaining to factors deemed helpful to creativity development. Results show that there were some commonalities as well as uniqueness in terms of personal, family, and school backgrounds among these award-winning teachers. Both groups of teachers regarded the 51 items very helpful to creativity development. In addition, the award-winning teachers possessed more personal, family, and school (organization) characteristics that were deemed helpful to creativity development than the non-award-winning teachers.

creativity behavior, scientific competitions, award-winning teachers.
The Construct of the Campus Organizational Climate for Creativity and the Teachers' Creativity Performance: Another "New Cloth of the King"?
邱皓政 / 輔仁大學心理系
Haw-Jeng Chiou /DDepartment of Psychology Fu-Jen Catholic University

   最後,本文除了提出「校園組織創新歷程整合模式」來整理研究發現之外,並討論當前校園組織風氣的變遷趨勢,是為台灣打造一個創造力國度(Republic of Creativity),還是只是一件國王的新衣?


 An open, human-based, and creative learning environment is critical for incubating creativity. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influences of the school organizational environment on the high school teacher's creative performances. A field study is designed to investigate the creative organizational climate and related influential factors at Taiwan's high school campus, by using interview and open-ended questionnaire. Interviewees were 18 teachers, principles, and administer, who were purposively selected from different types of high schools. The open-ended questionnaire was administrated to 82 high school teachers and administers for collecting their opinions about the influential factors on campus's creative climate. Results indicated that the educational reform in Taiwan and organizational structure have significant influences on campus's creative climate; the organizational structure, administration policies, leaders' efficiency, team work, job redesign, and communication system may influence employee's creative performance at campus. An integrative model of organizational creativity at campus based on the finding of this current study was proposed at the end. Discussion also involved the issue of that the Republic of Creativity, a movement pushed by Ministry of Education in Taiwan, may be a kind of "the new cloth of the king".

creativity performance, organizational climate for creativity at campus, the social psychology of creativity.
創意發展組織因素量表之編製: 以科技產業為例 (1)
The Development of "The Inventory of Organizational Factors to Creativity Development": An Example in Technology Companies
葉玉珠 / 中山大學教育研究所
吳靜吉 / 學術交流基金會
Yu-Chu Yeh / Institute of Educatio National Sun-yat Sen University
Jing-Jjyi Wu / Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Foundation)

  本研究包括訪談及量表預試兩大階段。訪談階段的參與者為30位科技領域的高創意者;量表預試階段的參與者為285位科技產業人員。研究中所使用的資料分析方法包括內容分析、Cronbach's α內部一致性分析、探索性因素分析、皮爾森積差相關、t考驗、次數分配及描述統計。


 Employees' development of creativity has been suggested as a key factor to the success of a company; as a result, it is invaluable to develop an instrument that helps technology companies evaluate their organizational atmosphere and accordingly, implement necessary innovation. The purpose of this study was to, based on interviews, develop an inventory for understanding organizational factors that influence their employees' creativity development in technology companies. This study included two phases: interview and pretest of the inventory. Thirty highly creative people in the field of technology participated in the interview and 283 employees in technology companies participated in the pretest. Data analysis methods included content analysis, internal consistency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, Pearson correlation, t-test, frequency, and descriptives. The findings in this study revealed that the developed inventory (The Inventory of Organizational Factors to Creativity Development , IOF-CD) had satisfactory reliability and validity. The IOF-CD comprised four factors; the Cronbach's α coefficients for the four factors and all items were .86, .88, .87, .77, and .94, respectively. In addition to having a significant correlation with self-report scores of creativity, the score of IOF-CD had power in distinguishing those who were creative from those who were not.

technology, organization, creativity, inventory

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