


陳彰儀、張裕隆 主編

1「人的意義」專題的貢獻與侷限 黃應貴 / 5 位格、人觀與自我 黃光國 / 9 人之存在與意義之創造 朱建民 / 13 意義的生成與人的解謎活動 李維倫 / 18 資訊網路科技與人文互動之迷思 王元凱 / 25從「人的意義」鋪陳「工作人」的思考 李志鴻
37 回到存在自身?:回應李維倫 宋文里 / 41 牆外鳥啼聲已碎,盡在搖頭不語中:人論的迴響與反思 林耀盛 / 51 人的意義外一章:哲學與非哲學的對話 潘小慧 / 55 期待對話的延續:銘感與釋疑 尤煌傑

63 有效的甄選方法 陳彰儀•張裕隆 主編 / 65 管理才能測驗發展及信效度分析 張裕隆 / 97 同儕提名法在團體活動中評鑑初中階主管之應用 李俊明、張裕隆 / 135 應用傳記式問卷預測駐派大陸員工之外派適應 陳彰儀、張裕隆、王榮春、李文銓 / 167 360度回饋與傳統上司評鑑對領導效能預測力之比較 張裕隆、劉岡憬

199 工作壓力過程模式之驗證︰台灣基層農業推廣人員之分析 董時叡 / 221 父母管教態度與國中生升學考試壓力感受之關係 高淑芳、陸 洛

62/96 新專題構想 / 134 進行中之專題 / 198 歡迎來稿 / 251 投稿須知 / 252 訂閱單

Dialogues & Responses
The Meaning of Man
1 The concept of the person Ying-Kuei Huang / 5 The concepts of person and self Kwang-Kuo Hwang / 9 Human existence and the creation of meaning Jien-Ming Jue / 13 The generation of meaning and the human activity of decipherment Wei-Lun Lee / 18 The paradox between internet information technology and humanism Yuan-Kai Wang / 25 Deliberation of work man from the meaning of man Jyhong Lee
Author's & editor's responses
37 Back to the being-in-itself?: A reply to Wei-Lun Lee Wen-Li Soong / 41 The unspoken voices: Re-conceptualization of the meaning of man Yaw-Sheng Lin / 51 A dialogue between philosophy and scientism Hsiao-Huei Pan / 55 More dialogue and exposition Huang-Chieh Yu

Special Issue
63 Effective Selection Methods Editors: Chang-I Chen & Yue-Loong Chang / 65 The developmet, reliability, and validity of Chinese managerial competencies test Yue-Loong Chang / 97 Managerial assessment by peer nomination in group exercises Chun-Ming Lee & Yue-Loong Chang / 135 Predicting successfully adjusted expatriates: An application of the biographical inventory Chang-I Chen, Yue-Loong Chang, Jung-Chuen Wang & Wen-Chaun Lee / 167 The comparison of 360-degree feedback with superisor-rating on the prediction of leadership effectiveness Yue-Loong Chang & Kang-Ching Liu

Empirical Research
199 A replication of job stress process among agricultural extension agents in Taiwan Shih-Jui Tung / 221 The relationship between parental rearing attitudes and the perceived stress of JHSEE among junior high school students Shu-Fan Kao & Luo Lu

Messages & Information
62/96 New special issues / 134 Special issues in progress / 198/251 Call for papers / 252 Order form

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