家 的 意 義

家的意義 / 畢恆達主編

從環境災害過程中探索家的意義:民生別墅與林肯大郡的個案分析 / 畢恆達

女性遊民研究:家的另類意涵 / 吳瑾嫣

男同志同居伴侶的住宅空間體驗:四個個案 / 畢恆達、吳昱廷

家的認同與意義重建:魯凱族好茶的案例 / 王應棠


畢恆達 主編






從環境災害過程中探索家的意義: 民生別墅與林肯大郡的個案分析
The Meanings of Home in Environmental Disasters: Case Studies of Ming-Sen Building and Lincoln Community
畢恆達 台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
Herng-Dar Bih / Graduate Institute of Building and Planning National Taiwan University



美國紐約市立大學博士(環境心理學) / 台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所副教授
通訊處:(106)北市羅斯福路四段1號 台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
電話(02)23638711轉42 傳真(02)23638127

A house may be the most important space for a person's development. It provides the sense of safety and control, reflects a person's value, and offers a person the sense of continuity and eternity. This paper tries to study how environmental disasters create the upsetting of the concept of home for the residents. Using residential disasters in Ming-Sen Building and Lincoln Community as cases, we found that the environmental disasters not only cause the loss of assets but also create the inversion of the meanings of home. The home, which used to be a safe, stable, and controllable space, now becomes a source of danger, a place from which people want to escape. It also results in the reorganization and reflection of family relations, and the challenge of a person's ability and value system.

Keywords: environmental disaster, meanings of home, place attachment, self-identity, uncertainty

Research on Homeless Women: The Alternative Meanings of Home
吳瑾嫣 台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
Chin-Yen Wu / Graduate Institute of Building and Planning National Taiwan University



台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所碩士 / 加拿大多倫多大學都市、經濟、社會地理學暨性別研究博士班
通訊處: 633 Bay Street, Apt.712, Toronto, On., M5G 2G4, Canada
電話 1-416-979-0283

This article focused on rethinking of the meanings of home by exploring the lives of homeless women. I interviewed 14 homeless women by using in-depth interview method, and explored the institution and street lives of homeless women by participant observation from February to June of 1998 in Taipei City. In general, the concept of home is associated with a meaningful and safe place that a person feels attached to. This kind of description neglects the unequal power relationship among family members, and it ignores the true lives of women in the patriarchal family. The ideology of the patriarchal family is enforced by mainstream society in every perspective thus restricting women's roles in society. For homeless women, home is not a sweet place as described in books, lyrics and advertisements; rather it is a place oppresses them and exhausts their energies. Running away from home breaks the myth of the ideology of patriarchal family. People should be against the broadcasting and reproduction of the ideology of patriarchal family in education system, court of law and media. Fostering alternative households is one strategy to break away from the status-quo ideology. Besides, trying to influence the public policy and letting everyone make his/her own choice is the way to make a more meaningful and suitable place to live.

Keywords:gender, homeless women, meanings of home, ideology of patriarchal family

The Living Experiences of Gay Couples: Four Cases
畢恆達 吳昱廷 / 台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
Herng-Dar Bih , Yu-Ting Wu / Graduate Institute of Building and Planning National Taiwan University



美國紐約市立大學博士(環境心理學) / 台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所副教授
通訊處:(106)北市羅斯福路四段1號 台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所

The meaning of home is not the same for men and women, or people with different social status or sexual orientation. This research focuses on the living experiences of gay couples to show the limit of traditional research of heterosexual nuclear family. The consideration of co-living for the gay couples, their division of housework, the arrangements and uses of living space are explored in the context of heterosexual society. The possibility of challenging the mode of patriarchal living is also discussed.

Keywords:gay couple, living space, division of housework

Identity and Meaning Reconstruction of Home: A Case of Kochapogan, Rukai
王應棠 台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
Ying-Tang Wang / Graduate Institute of Building and Planning National Taiwan University



通訊處:(106)北市羅斯福路四段1號 台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
電話:(02)23638711轉26 傳真:(02)23638127

This paper deals with two issues based on a case study of the "Home-returning Movement" of Kochapogan, Rukai tribe of Taiwan. Firstly, by tracing one's identity on the way home, the author tries to explore the meaning of home and its relationship to one's tribal tradition for a person from the perspective of existential analysis. Secondly, through everyday life practice on the homeland, the dwelling characteristic of one's home environment is dealt with from the perspective of human-environment relationship. It shows that, by articulating identity and the meaning of home, one understands one's existing situation through linking one's own tradition in order to project one's future life, and to dwell poetically at home is creating an alternative out of modern way of life dominated by modern technology.

Keywords: Rukai tribe, meaning of home, identity, existential analytic, place attachment

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建議最佳瀏覽解析度:IE4.0以上版本800x600 更新時間:2001/09/21