失 智 症 的 治 療 與 照 護

失智症的治療與照護 / 劉秀枝主編

記憶力衰退抱怨:失智症前兆? / 林克能、王培寧、莊雅雲、劉秀枝

阿茲海默氏症之非認知症狀 / 劉嘉逸、劉秀枝

記憶門診成效初探 / 甄瑞興、賈淑麗、楊志賢

阿茲海默氏症知能之藥物治療 / 劉秀枝、翁文章、王署君

阿茲海默氏症之女性荷爾蒙治療 / 王培寧、劉秀枝

阿茲海默氏症的基因檢測與遺傳諮詢 / 洪成志

台灣失智症的流行病學 / 劉景寬、戴志達、林瑞泰、賴秋蓮

失智症家屬支持團體成效初探 / 湯麗玉、葉炳強、陳良娟、謝碧容

台灣失智者的照護現況與展望 / 陳惠姿、李孟芬







Subjective Memory Complaint: An Early Sign of Dementia?
林克能 王培寧 莊雅雲 劉秀枝 /
Ker-Neng Lin, Pei-Ning Wang, Ya-Yun Chuang,
Hsiu-Chih Liu / The Neurological Institute Taipei Veterans General Hospital

抱怨記憶力衰退是否反映一個人的記憶力改變,而可視為老年失智症的一種前兆呢?台北榮民總醫院一般神經內科分別以社區老人及門診就醫患者為對象,探討記憶力抱怨與其實際記憶力的關係及臨床上的意義。社區研究是以543位65歲及以上的老年人為對象。在間隔3年的兩次醫師診察外,每一位受訪者並作知能篩檢測驗(CASI)及簡式老年憂鬱量表(GDS - S)。門診研究是以709位56歲到96歲的就醫者為對象,除了醫師的診察外,並作了CASI及臨床失智嚴重度評估(CDR)。在作CDR時,家屬或照顧者也被單獨晤談。結果顯示,老年人有主觀記憶力抱怨的情況是非常普遍的,但主觀記憶力抱怨和實際認知能力關係並不一致。既使是在被診斷為正常的就醫者,仍有超過半數以上的人,有主觀記憶力抱怨。社區研究發現,主觀記憶力抱怨能反映出實際認知能力,但卻不能反映出一個人在過去三年或未來三年,實際認知減退與否,這也顯示記憶力衰退是一種緩慢的認知改變過程。臨床研究顯示,當記憶力退化達到失智症程度時,主觀記憶力抱怨無法反映出實際認知能力,甚至隨著失智症嚴重程度增加,患者的病識感愈少。家屬或照顧者對就醫者的認知能力有準確的評估,是臨床診察上非常重要的訊息來源。因此在作老年失智症的評估時,除了患者本身外,一定要與其家屬或照顧者晤談,才能確實了解患者日常功能是否有改變。有記憶力衰退抱怨者,得到疑似失智症或失智症的機會增加,顯示記憶力衰退抱怨是老年失智症的一種前兆,值得家屬與臨床醫療人員的重視。


美國南加州大學神經科學研究所博士 / 台北榮民總醫院神經醫學中心一般神經內科臨床心理師
通訊處:(112)北市北投區石牌路二段201號 台北榮總神經內科
電話(02)28712121轉3191 傳真(02)28738696
陽明大學醫學系醫學士 / 台北榮民總醫院神經醫學中心一般神經內科主治醫師
通訊處:(112)北市北投區石牌路二段201號 台北榮總神經內科
電話(02)28712121轉3171 傳真(02)28738696
中正大學心理系學士 / 台北榮民總醫院神經醫學中心一般神經內科臨床心理師
通訊處(112)北市北投區石牌路二段201號 台北榮總神經內科
電話(02)28712121轉3191 傳真(02)28738696
台北醫學院醫學系醫學士 / 台北榮民總醫院神經醫學中心一般神經內科主任
通訊處:(112)北市北投區石牌路二段201號 台北榮總神經內科
電話(02)28757492 傳真(02)28738696

Is subjective memory complaint (SMC) an early sign of dementia? In order to study the relationship between SMC and actual memory ability and the clinical significance of SMC, we studied the community elderly population and the patients from memory clinic. In community study, 543 subjects were visited twice in 1993 and 1996. In addition to neurologists' examination, the subjects also took Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument (CASI) and Geriatric Depression Scale-Simple Form (GDS-S) during each visit. In clinical study, 709 patients, self-referred or referred by family members to the memory clinic, were recruited. CASI and Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) were administered to the patients, and family members or caregivers were interview independently during the CDR. Both studies indicate that SMC is very common in elderly population. In community population, SMC reflected the actual cognitive abilities, but did not reflect the actual cognitive decline in the subsequent or past three years. This suggests that the cognitive decline is a very slow process in normal aging. In clinical population, SMC did not reflect the actual cognitive abilities. Furthermore, as the severity of memory impairment increases, the self-awareness of memory impairment decreases. Family members had an accurate estimation of the patients' memory impairment and became an important resource for evaluating the patients' daily function. Subjects with SMC increase the possibilities in developing questionable dementia or dementia. SMC is an early sign for dementia and deserves family members' or clinicians' attention.

Keywords: dementia, memory complaint, CASI, CDR

Noncognitive Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease
劉嘉逸 林口長庚醫院精神科
劉秀枝 台北榮民總醫院神經醫學中心
Chia-Yih Liu / Department of Psychiatry
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Hsiu-Chih Liu / The Neurological Institute
Taipei Veterans General Hospital

阿茲海默氏症除認知功能障礙外,亦常伴隨情緒、行為、精神病症狀等非認知症狀(noncognitive symptoms)。這些症狀會讓個案產生更多的不適感,也是照顧者主要的壓力來源。非認知症狀包括憂鬱、妄想、錯認、幻覺、及其他精神行為障礙。高達七、八成的阿茲海默氏症個案在其病程中會產生非認知症狀。本文除回顧相關文獻,亦將台灣兩團隊對此主題之研究作一整理。結果顯示,國人阿茲海默氏症患者併發非認知症狀的比例不亞於國外報告。在我國即將步入高齡社會,阿茲海默氏症盛行率日益升高之際,是一項值得住意的課題。


陽明醫學院醫學系醫學士 / 林口長庚醫院精神科主任及長庚大學醫學系助理教授
通訊處:(333)桃園縣龜山鄉復興街5號 林口長庚醫院精神科
電話(03)3281200轉2439 傳真(03)3280267
台北醫學院醫學系醫學士 / 台北榮民總醫院一般神經內科主任及陽明大學醫學系教授
通訊處:(112)北市石牌路二段201號 台北榮總一般神經內科
電話(02)28757492 傳真(02)28738696

Noncognitive symptoms are commonly reported in patients with Alzheimer's disease(AD). They cause dysphoria of the patient, and are major sources of caregiver stress. Depression, delusions, misidentifications, hallucinations, sleep disturbance, aggression, apathy, eating disorders, inappropriate sexual behaviors, wandering, are all considered as noncognitive symptoms. Noncognitive symptoms can be found in up to 70-80 % of AD patients during the course of illness. They are important contributors to the decision to institutionalize the AD patients. In the present article, the authors reviewed the literature on this issue. Data from two research teams in Taiwan: Department of Geriatric Psychiatry, Veterans General Hospital-Taipei (leaded by Professor Jen-Ping Hwang), and Neurological Institute, Veterans General Hospital--Department of Psychiatry, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Joint Program (leaded by Professor Hsiu-Chih Liu) are also discussed.

Keywords: dementia, Alzheimer's disease (AD), noncognitive symptoms, behavioral symptoms

The Effectiveness of Memory Clinic
甄瑞興 賈淑麗 楊志賢 / 耕莘醫院神經內科•社區健康中心•心理衛生科
Sui-Hing Yan / Section of Neurology
Shu-Li Chia / Community Health Center l
Chih-Hsien Yang / Section of Psychiatric
-- Cardinal Tien Hospita



台北醫學院醫學系醫學士 / 高雄榮民總醫院神經內科主治醫師、陽明大學神經學科臨床副教授 (原任耕莘醫院醫務部副主任暨神經內科主任)
通訊處:(813)高雄市大中一路386號 高雄榮民總醫院神經內科
電話(02)22185253 傳真(02)22194925
陽明大學社區護理研究所 / 耕莘醫院社區健康中心總幹事、輔仁大學兼任講師
通訊處:(231)北縣新店市中正路362號 耕莘醫院社區健康中心
電話(02)22193391轉6207 傳真(02)22195386
中國醫藥學院醫學系醫學士 耕莘醫院心理衛生科主任
通訊處:(231)北縣新店市中正路362號 耕莘醫院心理衛生科
電話(02)22193391 傳真(02)22195386

The purpose of this descriptive study was to explore an ideal memory clinic model including intervention and diagnosis. Memory clinic can provide an effective service for patients with dementia and their families. This study showed the clinical service process, after service improvement and family satisfactory rate. A total of 51 members participated from May 1999 to October 1999.The analyses of the study are as follows: (1)to analyze patient primary data、classification and stage of the dementia, (2)to understand the rate of clinical improvement and satisfaction of families and patients with dementia by phone two months later. The results showed: 70.97% families referred to meliorate their clinical problem, 72% families had good satisfactory result from clinical pattern of memory clinic especially for family help, clinical arrangement and care instruction.

Keywords: Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, memory clinic

Current Treatment of Cognition in Alzheimer's Disease
劉秀枝 翁文章 王署君 /
Hsiu-Chih Liu, Wen-Jang Wong, Shuu-Jiun Wang/
The Neurological Institute Taipei Veterans General Hospital



台北醫學院醫學系醫學士 / 台北榮總神經醫學中心一般神經內科主任、陽明大學神經學科教授
通訊處:(112)北市石牌路二段201號 台北榮總一般神經內科
電話(02)28757492 傳真(02)28738696
高雄醫學院醫學系醫學士 / 台北榮總神經醫學中心神經血管科主治醫師、陽明大學神經學科臨床副教授
通訊處:(112)北市石牌路二段201號 台北榮總一般神經內科
電話(02)28757046 傳真(02)28739241
陽明大學醫學系醫學士 / 台北榮總一般神經內科主治醫師、陽明大學神經學科副教授
通訊處:(112)北市石牌路二段201號 台北榮總一般神經內科
電話(02)28762522 傳真(02)28765215

Pharmacological treatment of cognition in Alzheimer's disease (AD) has been advanced in recent years. There are three aspects of treatment of AD: symptomatic treatment, delaying course and curative or preventive treatment. At present, pharmacological treatment of AD is still in the stage of symptomatic, mainly cholinesterase inhibitors. The FDA of the U.S. has approved three cholinesterase inhibitors: tacrine, donepezil and rivastigmine. In general, these agents improve the cognition in about one-third of AD patients. Drugs that have been proposed in delaying the course of AD include antioxidants, estrogen and anti-inflammatory drugs. One way to cure the AD is to prevent the formation of β-amyloid, one of the main pathological findings in the brain of AD patients. β-amyloid is a product of amyloid precursor protein (APP) after being cleaved byβand γsecretases. In 1999, several investigators have found the gene and protein of β-site APP-cleaving enzyme. These findings might lead the scientists to develop the drugs preventing the formation of amyloid in the future.

Keywords: Alzheimer's disease, cognition, cholinesterase inhibitors,β-amyloid

The Role of Estrogen in the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease
王培寧 劉秀枝 / 台北榮民總醫院神經醫學中心
Pei-Ning Wang, Hsiu-Chih Liu / The Neurological Institute Taipei Veterans General Hospital



陽明大學醫學士 / 陽明大學神經學科講師 / 台北榮民總醫院神經醫學中心一般神經內科主治醫師
通訊處:(112)台北市石牌路二段201號 台北榮總一般神經內科
電話(02)28712121轉3171 傳真(02)28738696
台北醫學院醫學士/ 陽明大學神經學科教授/ 台北榮民總醫院神經醫學中心一般神經內科主任
通訊處:(112)台北市石牌路二段201號 台北榮總一般神經內科
電話(02)28757492 傳真(02)28738696

Estrogen replacement therapy is widely used among postmenopausal women to relieve the symptoms of postmenopausal syndrome, to prevent osteoporosis, and to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. However, the role of estrogen in prevention or treatment of Alzheimer's disease(AD) is still inconclusive. Some animal studies have found that estrogen might improve cognitive performance through several mechanisms, including stimulation of neurite outgrowth, modulation of neurotransmitters, and improving cerebral perfusion. However, the results of clinical investigations in the prevention or treatment of AD patient with estrogen are inconsistent. Some studies reported that women who received estrogen had a lower risk in development of AD, but others not. Meta-analysis of these studies suggests a 29% decreased the risk of developing dementia among estrogen users. Several small non-blind and non-randomized estrogen trials revealed that estrogen improved cognitive and psychological symptoms in female AD patients. However, our estrogen trial conducted in Taipei Veterans General Hospital did not disclose significant benefit effect in AD patients. Large randomized trial of estrogen therapy is needed to evaluate the role of estrogen in the treatment of AD.

Keywords: Alzheimer's disease, estrogen, hormone, cognition

Genetic Testing and Counseling for Alzheimer's Disease
洪成志 台北榮民總醫院精神部
Chen-Jee Hong / Department of Psychiatry
Taipei Veterans General Hospital

阿茲海默氏症是最常見的失智症,其病理上的特徵是腦組織出現老化斑。老化斑的基本成分β-amyloid protein-42(簡稱Aβ42)來自amyloid precursor protein(APP);科學家在1987年找出APP的基因,接著發現一小部份的家族性失智症起因於APP基因的點突變;後來以基因連鎖分析所找到的presenilin-1基因,不僅實驗上可以證明其突變會造成Aβ42的聚積,也有一半的家族性阿茲海默氏症被證實起因於presenilin-1基因的突變;隨後又被找到的presenilin-2基因,其突變也會造成阿茲海默氏症。另外,apolipoprotein E的ε4對偶子雖然不是此病的直接病因,卻會增加罹病的機率。除此之外,還有好幾個可疑的基因已經在科學家的實驗桌上等待檢驗,這些基因的發現已經使阿茲海默氏症的病理機轉逐漸明朗。傳統上認為遺傳了阿茲海默氏症的突變基因就註定要罹患失智症的迷思已經因為APPβ-secretase (BACE 與Asp2)的發現而被打破。BACE與Asp2是產生Aβ42的關鍵酵素,一旦開發出抑制BACE或Asp2的藥物,預防或治療阿茲海默氏症將不再是夢想,而預測阿茲海默氏症的基因診斷也將因此變得重要。美國法院在1995與1996年分別判決二位醫師業務過失,因為他們沒有對患者的子女提出甲狀腺髓狀癌或多發性息肉大腸直腸癌會遺傳的警告。這二個案例與阿茲海默氏症即將可以預防或治療的展望,提醒現代的醫療人員,面對這個曾經「什麼事也不能做」 的世紀大病,別忘了詢問患者的家族史,必要時還得安排基因檢測,並提供適當的遺傳諮詢。


陽明大學醫學系醫學士 / 台北榮民總醫院精神部主治醫師、陽明大學醫學院助理教授
通訊處:(112)台北市石牌路二段201號 台北榮總精神部
電話(02)28757027轉266~269 傳真(02)28725643或28742441

Alzheimer's disease is a chronic, degenerative, dementing illness which involves a progressive, multifaceted loss of cognitive and intellectual abilities. Mutations in the amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene or the presenilin 1 and presenilin 2 (PS1 and PS2) genes can directly lead to the disease; ε4 allele of apolipoprotein (ApoE) increases the risk of the disease. The cognate proteins of these pathogenic loci have direct relations to the pathology of the relevant diseases, molecular testing has been able to make accurate diagnosis and to predict some of these diseases, while clonings of enzymes metabolizing APP has facilitated the possibility of treating or preventing Alzheimer's disease. In order to initiate a program of molecular diagnosis and genetic counseling for dementia, we have setup methods to genotype ApoE and screen mutations in APP, PS1 and PS2 genes in patients with family history of dementia. Although the rate of familial AD with identifiable mutations is still too low to obtain the physicians' attention in Taiwan, the verdicts announcing physicians' duty to warn third parties about genetically inherited diseases from the courts of the United States deserves our concern. We believe frequent open discussions may help preventing unnecessary conflicts and aggregating consensus on the practice of molecular testing and genetic counseling for AD and other late onset inherited diseases.

Keywords:Alzheimer's disease, dementia, genetic counseling, molecular testing

Epidemiology of dementia in Taiwan
劉景寬 戴志達 林瑞泰 賴秋蓮 /
Ching-Kuan Liu, Chi-Ta Tai, Ruey-Tay Lin, Chiou-Lian Lai / Department of Neurology Kaohsiung Medical University

由於台灣老年人口的快速增加,盛行於老年人的失智症人數也隨之增加。最近的研究顯示,台灣失智症的盛行率,在65歲以上老人約為2-4%,遠低於已開發國家。可能的原因有老年人口結構以較低齡(65-75歲)之老人為主;失智老人死亡率較高;診斷較不容易而被低估;及族群的特性,例如台灣人有脂蛋白E4基因(APO E4)之頻率較低。至於失智症之類型在社區中,以阿爾滋海默氏病(Alzheimer's disease,AD)為主,約佔半數;其次為血管型失智症(Vascular dementia,VaD約20~25%)及混合型失智症(約5-10%)。發生率之研究顯示台灣65歲以上老人,每年每千人約有13人會變成失智老人。新發生的失智病人,仍以AD居多,約佔40%;VaD者雖仍居次,但比率提高為35%;混合性的比率也佔了15%。由於VaD與混合型失智症之死亡率明顯高於AD,所以在盛行率調查中前兩者之比率相對較低。AD之危險因子有年齡增加、女性、低教育程度(不識字)、具脂蛋白E4基因、及曾嚴重頭部外傷病史。VaD之危險因子則是腦中風、高血壓。社區研究顯示,仍有相當多失智症病人的家屬,因不明暸失智症而未將病人帶到醫院診治。目前各種失智症都逐漸發展出特異性的治療方式,早期診斷變得更有必要。因此對社會大眾作有關失智病之教育,應是值得努力的工作。


高雄醫學院醫學博士 / 高雄醫學大學醫學系神經科教授、行為科學研究所所長、 高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院神經內科主任
通訊處:(800)高市三民區十全一路100號 高雄醫學大學神經內科
電話(07)3121101轉6753 傳真(07)3162158
英國牛津大學哲學博士 / 高雄醫學大學醫學系神經科副教授、行為科學研究所副教授、 高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院神經內科主治醫師
通訊處:(800)高市三民區十全一路100號 高雄醫學大學神經內科
電話(07)3121101轉6777 傳真(07)3158747
高雄醫學院醫學士 / 高雄醫學大學醫學系神經科講師、高雄醫學大學小港分院神經內科主任
通訊處:(800)高市三民區十全一路100號 高雄醫學大學神經內科
電話(07)3121101轉6777 傳真(07)3158747
高雄醫學院醫學博士 / 高雄醫學大學醫學系神經科副教授、行為科學研究所副教授、 高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院神經內科加護病房主任
通訊處:(800)高市三民區十全一路100號 高雄醫學大學神經內科
電話(07)3121101轉6753 傳真(07)3162158

Owing to the rapidly increased population of the aged people in Taiwan, the dementia patients who are prevalent in aged people also increase rapidly. The prevalence of dementia among the elderly(aged 65 and over) is around 2-4% in Taiwan, which is lower than those in developed countries. The reason for this low prevalence may result from relatively young elderly people in Taiwan compared to those of developed countries; high mortality among the demented patients; under-estimation due to the difficulty in diagnosis; and ethnic difference, such as low frequency of apolipoprotein E4 among Taiwanese. In prevalence, Alzheimer's disease(AD) is the leading cause of dementia, and account for about 50%, followed by Vascular dementia(VaD) (20-25%), and mixed AD and VaD(MIX)(5-10%). The incidence of dementia among the elderly in Taiwan is around 13 per thousand person-years(PTPY). The most common cause of new incident dementia cases is AD(around 40-50%), followed by VaD (30-35%), and MIX(15%). The relative increase of VaD and MIX in incidence compared to that in prevalence may result from very high mortality among VaD and MIX. Overall, the 2-year mortality rate was high among the demented(48% in total dementia, 38% in AD, 60% in VaD, and 70% in MIX). The risk factors for AD were increased age, female sex, low education(illiteracy), apolipoprotein E4, and history of major head injury. The risk factors for VaD were stroke and hypertension. The community survey showed that many families of dementia patients were not yet prepared to understand dementia, and therefore did not bring the patients to seek for medical management. As various types of dementia render specific treatment, early and differential diagnosis becomes more and more important. The campaign for public education in dementia deserves more effort.

Keywords: dementia, epidemiology, Alzheimer's disease, Vascular dementia

The Effect of Support Group for Families Caring for Demented Elderly
湯麗玉 康泰醫療教育基金會 /
葉炳強 台大醫學院神經內科 /
陳良娟、謝碧容 康泰醫療教育基金會
Li-Yu Tang / Dementia Service group Sanipax Medico-educational Foundation
Ping-Keung Yip / Department of Neurology National Taiwan University Hospital
Liang-Chuan Chan, Pi-Jung Hsieh /
Sanipax Medico-educational Foundation



台大醫學院護理學研究所碩士(精神科護理組) / 康泰醫療教育基金會失智老人服務組特約講師、陽明大學護理系兼任講師
電話(02)26606660、0916056265 傳真(02)26607038
中國醫藥學院醫學系醫學士 / 台大醫學院神經內科教授兼台大醫院神經內科主任
通訊處:(100)台北市中山南路7號 台大醫院神經內科
電話(02)23123456轉5335 傳真(02)23418395
省立台北護專 康泰醫療教育基金會執行長
電話(02)23657780 傳真(02)23657770
文化大學社會工作系學士 / 前康泰醫療教育基金會社工師 出國進修中

Taking care of a demented elderly has great impact to family system. Most of the caregivers do not have enough knowledge about dementia and the skills of caring demented people. Caregivers suffered from role conflict, overloading and negative emotions. Family caregivers need social support. Support group is an effective way to offer support. This article adopted Yalom's therapeutic factors as a framework to explore the effect of support group for caregivers of demented elderly. The results indicate that universality、instillation of hope, imparting information, altruism, catharsis, group cohesion, development of social interaction techniques are therapeutic factors in support group for caregivers of demented elderly.

Keywords:demantia, caregiver, support group, therapeutic factor
Dementia Care in Taiwan
陳惠姿 輔仁大學醫學系
李孟芬 長期照護專業協會
Huey-Tzy Justina Chen / Department of Medicine Catholic Fu-Jen University
Meng-Fan Lee / The Long-term Care Professional Association



美國匹茲堡大學哲學博士/ 輔仁大學醫學系副教授
通訊處:(242)台北縣新莊市中正路510號 輔仁大學醫學系
美國南卡羅萊納州立大學醫務管理研究所博士候選人 / 長期照護專業協會祕書長
電話(02)23690347 傳真(02)23691973

In Taiwan, the prevalent rates of dementia in community dwelling elderly persons range from 2.7% to 5.0%. These rates are lower than those in the western countries. While it is estimated that there are 35,000~ 87,000 demented individuals in Taiwan, the actual number of demented person in the registry office is less than 6,800. It is believed that the majority of the demented persons comprise a hidden population. Although diagnosis and treatment are available and reimbursed for those with dementia, these services are not as popular as with other chronic illness such as hypertension or DM.
In adult day care centers and institutions, the demented persons have gradually come to compose a significant percentage of the caseload; even though most demented persons are being cared for by their own family in the home. In institutions, persons with dementia are cared for right along with the physically disabled. However, there now seems to be a trend to treat the demented persons as a special aggregate and deserving of specific dementia care. The need to support caregivers has also become an issue. With the aim of providing quality care for demented persons, while maintaining the quality of life for the family caregivers, we recommend: concerted efforts to promote the early diagnosis of and intervention for dementia, respite care for family caregivers, restructuring of care facility for demented persons and education preparation for formal caregivers.

Keywords: dementia, institution care, adult day care, respite care

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