教 育 改 革 : 理 念 與 實 踐

教育改革:理念與實踐 / 夏林清 主編

制度變革中教育實踐的空間:一個行動研究的實例與概念 / 夏林清

從教師成長看課程改革的意義 / 成虹飛、黃志順

我們是一群女老師:集體認同與教育實踐的故事 / 侯務葵、王慧婉

教育改革與反作用力 / 王慶中


夏林清 主編

接下《應用心理研究創刊號》〈教育改革〉專題論壇的動力來自於過去十多年和中、小學教師並肩工作的情感與認識。看重教育工作者教育經驗中蘊含之理論與方法,肯定教育工作者對其教育經驗之反思(reflective thinking)是提昇教師能量,發展教育難題解困之道的不二法門。基於這個關懷,能促進經驗反思的表達形式與那一種表達形式較能和其他教育工作者交流溝通就是我們要的「論文形式」。這一個專題的四篇文章也就在這一點上跨出了第一步。




制度變革中教育實踐的空間︰ 一個行動研究的實例與概念
The Space of Educational Praxis in Top-down Educational Policy Reforming Process : An Action Research Case
夏林清 輔仁大學應用心理系
Ling-Ching Hsia
Department of Applied Psychology
Fu-Jen Catholic University



通訊處:(242)台北縣新莊市中正路510號 輔仁大學應用心理系
E-mail: apsy2019@fujens.fju.edu.tw

The researcher, as one of educational practitioners in Taiwan, presented and examined her professional intervention in the on-going educational policy reformation project--The Reformation of College Entrance Policy. As a researcher and a professional consultant, the present author had conducted an action research in the past four years in the context of the Multiple Selection Program. This article summarized the forms and contents of the researcher's professional intervention in relation to the career guidance practice in Taiwan high schools. Perceiving high school teachers as educators as well as collaborative researchers, the researcher of this study had tried to inquire into the dilemmas those embedded in the educational practices of high school teachers while they were facing the contradictory forces of changes in this education reformation project. Since action research is still an newly emerged approach in Taiwan; therefore, this article also tried to examine and articulate the assumptions of the researcher's interventions.

Keywords: action research, reflective thinking, professional intervention, intervening frames, activating social actors

What Does Curriculum Reform Mean to Teachers﹖
成虹飛 / 新竹師範學院國民教育研究所
黃志順 台北巿永樂國小
Hornfay Cherng / Department of Elementary Education National Hsinchu Teacher College
Chi-Shun Hwang / Yun-Lo Elementary School Taipei City



通訊處: (300)新竹巿南大路521號
電話(03)5618064 傳真(03)5252206
E-mail: hcherng@cc.nhctc.edu.tw


This study examined two qualitative case studies of teachers' participation in curriculum reform. One American teacher and two Taiwanese teachers were compared and analyzed in terms of their experiences in the curriculum change processes. Dewey's theory of experience was employed as the interpretive framework. The findings suggest that curriculum reform should not be viewed as an end to which the teacher is seen as a means. Instead, we argue that curriculum reform should be pursued only when teachers' professional needs are met throughout the process. Teachers might take various forms of resistance against the reform policy if their needs are neglected. Unfortunately, teachers often feel exploited or alienated in the reform process due to such negligence. Providing teachers with a nurturing environment for continuous professional growth is more fundamental and practical than simply trying to reform the curriculum every now and again. Teachers are often blamed for being unprepared or uncommitted when reform efforts fail, but people seldom ask why teachers are not prepared and not committed. We seem to pay much attention to what our children need, a primary reason for most reforms to occur. However, we often forget that it is the teachers who must have what we want our children to have first before they can deliver it.

Keywords: curriculum reform, qualitative inquiry, John Dewey, teachers' professional development, comparative education

我們是一群女老師: 集體認同與教育實踐的故事
We are Women Teachers︰ The Collective Identity of Women Grassroots Teachers and an Educational Praxis Story in a Junior High School
侯務葵 王慧婉 基層教師協會
Wuh-Kwei Hour Huey-Woan Wang Grassroots Teachers' Association



通訊處: (100)台北市杭州南路一段95號3樓 基層教師協會
電話(02)23941510 傳真(02)23937514
E-mail: w3gta@ms23.hinet.net


This article is to explore educational workers' empirical experience. The experiences of the development of Grassroots Teachers' Association are described, and the process of women teachers' collective identity is explained. The significance of Grassroots Teachers' Association consists not in elitism or individualism, rather it is found in the consciousness and action of "women" "teachers," who formed the collective progress and a challenge on the traditional system. Through the story-telling of a teacher who at first alienated from other, and then gradually owned back her role of a teacher, made contact with other teachers, and finally shaped collective identity among different teachers, this article clearly depicts the development of the teachers' organization. The teachers' collective identity can only be formed through the awakening of women consciousness, group assistance and action research methodology, restoration of teachers' professional autonomy, contact with other teachers, respect in each other, and promotion of the implementation capability of action research. The present article offers a new perspective of "collective teachers" instead of the traditional idea of "individual teacher" on the issues of teachers' dilemma and identification.

Keywords: women teacher, collective identity, educational praxis

Education Reform and Anti-reform
王慶中 輔仁大學社會系
Ching-Chung Wang
Department of Sociology Fu-Jen Catholic University


美國明尼蘇達大學哲學博士(社會學) 輔仁大學社會系副教授
通訊處: (242)新莊市中正路510號 輔仁大學社會系
電話(02)29031111轉2641 傳真:(02)29010827
This paper is practitioner's tentative study to think reflectively on the present anti-reform in Taiwan's universities. After several years' participation (1990-1997) in education reform, the author proposes the study of the antagonistic forces in education reform as an important issue. Ideal types of "problematic student", "problematic teacher" and "problematic interaction" are constructed to explain the antagonism. Teaching performance evaluation, curriculum reform, and promotion of students' life quality in those universities are described and analyzed critically. To avoid controversy, most part of the paper is documented as a pretended conversation with a respectable professor who passed away fifteen years ago.

Keywords: education reform, teacher-student interaction, ideal type, learning attitude

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